Sunday, February 23, 2020

FUZZ-PRESCRIPTION ELECTRONICS Experience Fuzz ...risen from the dead!

$400.00 USD
Jack Brossart started his company in 1993 to bring back classic but defunct pedals.These were all hand made the hard way with point to point wiring using NOS.
The result was an instant hit with players.
The company disappeared in 2014 with Jacks passing.
The good news is that former employee's have revitalized the company and have reissued all the original pedals exactly as they were.
The Experience is a take on the old Foxx Tone Machine Fuzz.
To my ears they totally caught the vibe but the the sound is more dynamic much fuller even richer.

What can I say ...great pedal but definitely in the collectors league.
Perhaps a big treat for some.
There are reasonable alternatives. Danelectro just brought out the 
3699 Fuzz at $200.00 USD it has been taking pre-orders.
There is another exceptionally good one from Tiesco for $130.00 USD that I can highly recommend! Not only better then most but cheaper then all of them!

These pedals really shine when stacked with a good OD. All the crazy stuff
pops thru ... the stuff that has a cool self destruction but the fragmentation can thin out the sound. An OD will fill in the spaces. It is killer on a solo.


  1. I have an original swirly painted pedal from the 90's(from the first batch). I love the Experience, but moved to a Foxx Fuzz Wa Machine which is a Tone Machine mixed with one of the cool Foxx Wa pedals that has 4 wah tapers. The Swell control is the part that separates the Experience pedal from the original. I live in Portland, and Jack was alive when these were first reissued last year. Unfortunately he has since commited suicide and I am not sure they will keep issuing them.

  2. Cool! Thanx for the heads up.Its too bad creative guys like Jack are gone.
