Sunday, February 2, 2020

CHORUS- TC ELECTRONIC After Glow ...traditional classic pedal with a pro sound! Cheap!

$75.00 USD
A team of excellent designers were brought together to make a budget line of pedals Their aim was 'sound first' features be damned!
They went back to the classic of classic chorus pedal the 
Boss CE-1. The TC has a similar sound but oddly enough it is fatter.
It has a shallow depth compared to modern/expensive units. I find all that depth useless because it puts the sweep out of tune with your guitar. It is the same with the rate it does not do super fast stuttering effects. If your main aim is to sweeten up a clean sound or fatten up a dirt sound you have zero problem. In all the standard ways to use a chorus it is as rich, fat and as strong as the very best.
I have an Ibanez Chorus. It sounds great but this chorus has that cool Boss vibe and it would better then the Ibanez on certain 
tunes so the question is where can i get it on my board, LOL
Not bad but compare it to the NUX CH-3 Chorus. the NUX is richer and it is only $35.00 USD on AliExpress and that includes free shipping! 
(I had one went digital ...hated the digital ...sold it and got another NUX.)

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