Saturday, February 1, 2020

BOOSTER- TECH N TONE Papa Boost ...finally a boost that does not have a plastic sterile tone !!!

$130.00 USD
Finally a boost that has it all. If you are looking for that crystal clear tone you've got it...hell you have control add as much as you like.
What really got me was it not only can give you a warm sound but it fattens up your sound.
Trust me I have bought and sold all the hot ones. The last one was a Wampler and I gave to my bass player. lol
Think of this pedal as a Low-Low Gain OD

Like all boosts you can use it to overdrive the input on your amp or turn a lower gain dirt pedal into a high gain pedal.

I prefer using it as an always on pedal to fatten and add some life to my sound. I haven't heard better then this!!!
Don't out smart yourself and do what I did and bought all the hot 'fashionable' but useless jobbies when you can scoop one of these ...and on sale too!

If you want one is the time it is 
...ON SALE!!!!
It usually goes for $145.00 USD That's $15 for some beer to enjoy while you try out your Papa!!! LOL

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