Wednesday, August 21, 2024

OVERDRIVE- SHINS MUSIC Dumbloid Twin... Dumble Amp owners buy these ...

$750.00 USD
Apparently there is an informal club of Dumbloid owners. Some even own the amp. Every pedalis made by a 70 something year old Shinichi Suzuki in his downtown Tokyo shop. He has been there for decades with his original Marshall amps and yes a real Dumble amp among other classics to use as his references to nail the voice of his pedals. He even owns a 59 Les Paul and several early Fender guitars and amps. 
Is he a perfectionist? More like a perfectionists perfectionist. 
His pedals are not just about nailing the sound. 
They are about having the right feel that a Dumble amp has. Just like Dumble did, you can go to the shop and have yours custom made. 
It will have the sound and even the dynamics tweaked to your 
own personal touch and feel.
The pedal is 2 exactly the same circuits that you can set up 
as 2 channels. You can also buy it as just a single channel 
pedal for $450.00 USD.
      CONCLUSION ___
Is it worth $750.00 USD??? Actually if your 
music needs only one OD and a good clean 
tube amp it probably is.
Apparently it is typical of many owners to sell 
the single channel pedal because they want 
a Crunch and Lead channel. 

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