Monday, August 12, 2024

OVERDRIVE- BOSS OD-3 Overdrive ... a quick second look!!!

$110.00 USD
BOSS  OD-3 Overdrive
Boss has made four overdrives. Only the OD-1 is out of print. 
It started the the whole thing. It was designed to give the thousands of guys with single channel combo amps some 
dirt because very few could buy anything else. 
Certainty not a stack, lol. 
The OD-3 fell out of favor as guys started looking for the gourmet, handmade pedals with new choices growing exponentially. 
The OD-3 is medium gain pedal with an open natural tube like sound that is bright and cutting. If you plug it in at your corner bricks and mortar music shop do not be surprised if you hear "WOW!" come out of your mouth.
Wow!! 😎


  1. Used one for years as my core overdrive.

    As you said, once I got into the gourmet drives I moved on, with the PaulC Timmy ending up in the spot where this used to be.

    I tried going back to the OD3 a few years ago but wasn't happy.

    Now if Boss put a concentric pot where the tone control is, and you were able to dial out some low end (or adjust the high/low balance with a concentric bass & treble controls instead of the one tone control) the circuit would arrive in the 21st Century, for sure (albeit early 21stC).

  2. I gig using 20 overdrives for my 33 original tunes. Each tune needs a specific OD, not just something in the ballpark forced to fit. Half my audience at every gig often have never heard me. I only get one chance to make a first impression. If I play a tune that OD must be beyond perfect for that tune. My goal is to make each tune sound like it should on a studio take. I have done this for so many years that it is rare in a studio that any more than a tweak of the EQ on the studio's board is needed for a finished track. My point is that the Boss is perfect for some tunes that the Timmy is not and the Timmy is perfect for tunes that the Boss would ruin the tune etc. OD's are like wine, they add to the meal. A brand or kind of wine is not bad just appropriate or not.

  3. I don't use 20, but I do use three. I used the Boss OD3 for situations where I couldn't run my amp at ear splitting volume to give me "ear splitting volume" tone at "relatively ear pleasing" levels. The Timmy allows me to do this, but the flexible eq on it lets me finesse or tailor the sound more precisely. I use another drive for heavier sounds and a fuzz for leads, and playing dynamics plus volume & tone controls on the guitar to get other variations and colourations. As I said, the OD3 was once perfect for me, but no longer required.

  4. I run my board like you run your rig. I use a Boss pedal switcher and instead of each of the first 3 switches bringing in a separate pedal they bring in a separate board. One board is clean to low gain, the second is medium gain and the third is high gain. Each board has its own EQ, Comp Reverb, Delay and a Gate. In total I use 65 pedals which include low thru to high gain OD's, Fuzz and modulation pedals. I run it all at unity gain into a Marshall that puts out 60 watts RMS but it has an attenuator and it is never louder than 30 watts RMS. I use a dB meter and keep it under 95dB which is the legal level at the clubs. I also take to the gig 10 guitars. Most guitars have totally contrasting PU'S I can cover, PAF, and high output HB, P90, Firebird, Strat, Tele, Gretsch , Gold Foil and Rickenbacker. On a single tune I could do the verse as a flat picked verse with a Roger McGuinn Byrds sound and go to a Doom sound for the chorus and a Soldano sound for the middle 8/solo. The pedals pretty much are used for only one sound so I only have switch on or off switches between tunes
    My goal is to do what guys do in a studio live with the right guitar/PU sound and effects sounds for each separate part of a tune. As noted I only do original. The band is Bass, drums & myself on guitar and all the vocals. I have several session guys that play in the band depending on who is available ___ :-)

  5. Lol, my car ain't big enough to carry that much gear!

    Good luck to you, Paul and once again thanks for the resource this website is to so many.

    Is there somewhere we can go online to hear any of your music? Youtube/Spotify/Bandcamp, etc.?
