Sunday, August 11, 2024

OVERDRIVE- MYTHOS Extra Hot Overdrive ___NEW___ Nobels ODR-1 clone +

Mythos  PEDALS 
$250.00 USD
Basically a Nobels ODR-1 with a boost. The Nobels became a 'Thing' when Nashville morphed into using more dirt sounds
from the Outlaw Country genre. It was meant to be a better
Tube Screamer. To be fair it is not a ts clone as it has less upper mid boost and much more bass.
The layout is Volume, Tone and Gain with a boost. You can 
cut the lows with high pass filter and increase the mids. 
Like all Mythos pedals they are aimed at those into Americana genres with a blend of Blues, Indie Alt 
and Country. it does all this exceptionally well. 
To me it is a old school hard clipper like the classic 
Boss Overdrives. Keeley do several that demand 
comparison if you find this is your thing. 
As for an alternative the Nobels ODR mini is $110.00 USD
but I would be looking at the Tone City Nobleman 
at as cheap as $45.00 USD. 

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