Thursday, August 22, 2024

FUZZ- NOISE ENGINEERING Dystorpia ___ NEW ___ multiple totally useable sounds!!!

Noise Engineering
$400.00 USD
This Fuzz covers a lot of ground. It uses analog synthesis fundamentals to shape the different voices in both a creative but totally usable way. 
The layout defines much of it. Gain, is in this case is an input control for you PU's. Fold, wavefolding is when the input level exceeds its threshold and cuts off the peaks. Blend,is for a wet dry bland of your clean sound. Pura, sets the amount of the wave distortion. Mid is much what it says, a mid boost or cut. Tone, works in the usual way we have come to expect in a conventional Fuzz. The doom switch gives you a sub octave, The Env switch is a conventional gate.
It is really a Synth that creates distortion. It has no comparison or similarity with any of the traditional Fuzz types. The price is warranted. 
It is a far, far, far more complex circuit then a conventional Fuzz.

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