Monday, August 26, 2024

OVERDRIVE- AMUMU Hot Summer Overdrive ... a simple effective idea ...ingenious?

$235.00 USD
The site is vague but I would guess the company is Japanese. They make 3 pedals but also sell PU's and Straps. The pedal is a transparent chunky, medium gain Overdrive. The ingenious bit is they have built a compressor into the circuit to simulate what others get by over saturating the signal with gain. A switch brings it in but you can leave it off for more headroom and a more transparent sound. With it on it creates the illusion of a gourmet amps Crunch sound.
The idea is great but I think if it is used more
as a boost it would be more effective as it
lacks rich overtones and harmonics. 
You can find 3 or more budget OD's of this 
quality, if not  even better. In fact you could 
get a better sounding OD and a compressor 
that you can comp all you pedals with 
much cheaper.

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