Tuesday, August 27, 2024

AMBIENT REVERB- MXR Layers ___ NEW ___ is it better than the zillion others :-)

$220.00 USD
MXR  layers ||
Better late than never. MXR are like Electro Harmonix they either hit the bullseye or miss the target. All you can do is add bits of other effects like modulation, reverb an envelope filter follower or if you get dangerous some pitch. The two big problems are that it has all been done before. Even the Chinese have got into it since the chips used by all the original Strymon pedals are now several generations old and are now the low end chips. The good news is the low end chips are a high enough tech to sonically still be pro sounding but unfortunately not to do 
all the complex tricks.
      CONCLUSION ___
Well they have all the bells and whistles I mentioned above.
So they get full points for quantity. The price is very competitive and 
on the whole MXR has a good record for being robust and dependable. 
It does the Strymon Cloudburst thing where you can use it to create 
faux orchestra  string section you can work into a tune which takes it 
past the Star Wars thing of  just hitting a chord and going to lunch and 
coming back before the audience left because they came to hear 
tunes not sound effects. 
In short I it is the only the second time I heard an ambience pedal that is in 
my mind musical. An effect should not be a case of the tail wagging the dog.

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