Wednesday, August 14, 2024

OVERDRIVE- BEETRONIX Wannabee Bilateral Buzz... what's not to like? oh yeah...that

$300.00 USD
The concept is not new but effective. You get two Overdrives that can be 
run stacked or in parallel.
The layout has both sides with volume, Tone and Gain. you have 3 toggle switches. The 1st one gives you 3 levels of clean blend. The second gives 
you a choice of parallel or choosing either side on, off or in unison. 
The third gives you either a low or mid boost or boost off. 
It indeed sounds very good like all their product. 
It does not have a distinct character to separate 
it from the flock. in short no 'Oh Wow.' 
I also prefer to buy my art work to hang on a wall. 
Not under my boots! They should offer it for a 
hundred less in a standard Hammond enclosure.

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