Friday, July 26, 2024

OVERDRIVE- TANEBE.TV Dumkudo- the ultimate Dumble ??? convincing!!!
$360.00 USD
This MIJ pedal has a reputation with guys who own several of the 'Must Have' Dumble pedals as being the best for single coil PU's. Guys that own Dumble amps even buy them.
The layout is Volume, Tone and Gain. Another knob JALI appears to tweak the mids. A switch on the side gives you __green LED-Dumble mode, __red LED-Marshall mode and __blue LED Domkudo mode.
Since no two Dumble amps are alike as they were like homes designed by an architect. They were within a 
basic stylistic framework but made to suit the players tastes and his technique. Over 10 thousand guys 
just by word of mouth have watched the 1st video. 
The detail in the harmonics and overtones is mind 
blowing for an analog pedal. It has the picture perfect sound of a modeled amp but with the warmth, 
feel and touch of a killer tube amp. 
___ It is a justifiable splurge. 
_thefineprint this last video. I wouldn't have the nerve to say more. 😇


  1. What about the Gladio Cornerstone ?

    1. It is over $100 more than both of the j. Rockett Dude & HRM Dumbles. All 3 are a shade of grey different. Add to that if you are Stateside you do not have to pay pricy shipping/import costs which could be another $50 or more. Otherwise it is a very nice pedal.
      I only use a Dumble sound as a colored boost with the gain low, and only for my Strat sounds. It happens on about 3 tunes. Otherwise I use guitars with HB pickups thru a MIAB or Fuzz pedals. If you are an 'all night on my Dumble' guy than spend any amount and get what is 100% for your ears.

  2. I think the Komet Koda is a sleeper when it comes to amp/dynamics pedals. I’ve been chasing that sound for a long time and once I got one of those, I haven’t felt the need to grab another d style pedal. With that said, every few months or so I get curious about the Dumkudo again. But it’s hard to justify when I’m already happy with the Koda.

  3. Unfortunately the Komet is not just a sleeper but permanently asleep. Damn! apparently it was discontinued in 2019. I learnt the hard way that if it is not broke, ....don't fix it. Your money is better spent on something you do not have.
    One pedal that out of 10 kinds of pedals is if lucky is #11 on ones list. If I lost all and had to start I would put a noise gate as #1. if you never had one you could never know why. In 2 words ...Mental Sanity, lol. My board is actually 3 boards into one amp. Each has a gate and so does my amp :-)

    1. Yeah very true. I found one for affordable that popped up so I had to snag it. They pop up here and there. But yeah I agree 100%. At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves, do I NEED this or do I just WANT this? For me, it’s usually the latter. This helps me (slightly) make better and more reasonable decisions (sometimes 😁) - Dan
