Tuesday, July 2, 2024

GATE & EQ- IBANEZ PTGATE Pentatone Gate ||| EQ- IBANEZ PTEQ Pentatone Equalizer

$130.00 USD

$100.00 USD
Basically an EQ is a tone control. Most of us have dealt with Bass, Mids and Treble.
A Graphic EQ simply divides. For example low bass and higher bass, low mids and higher mids, lower treble to icepick, etc. A big graphic rack EQ can be made to divide the frequencies from the lowest to the highest in 31 divisions. In spite of that if you are picky you can get more detail if you have a parametric EQ. For example if you had a 2K and 4K control to boost or cut but you really wanted 3K you get a knob to slide in between and pick any frequency between them.
A gate does not remove noise from pedals it simple turns of your guitar signal when your notes fade to the point you sound can not hide the noise. The reason you have 2 ins and outs is one set is to put your noisy pedals in a loop and the second is for your clean sound. Your clean sound lets the pedal know if your guitars signal is ringing away and the second takes care to listen to your dirt pedals with its much higher level. 
If dirt pedal loop thinks it wants to cut the signal the clean loop either tells it ...NOT YET ...I am still ringing. 
Or it says zip and the dirt loop says OK and does its thing.

Both units are studio quality. Both units are beyond obscenely CHEAP. 
Any other brand with this quality would want TWICE or more.  
Damn!!! they even look cool!!! 


  1. Better than the Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor? Time will tell...


  2. A lot of good pedals are massive sellers for years . Not because they are better but with marketing budgets in the millions they sell over other makers units. It DOES NOT make them better. As for Boss they now have the Boss NS-1X so I doubt the NS-2 will be around long. Just a few years ago I had two NS-2 gates on my board. They got removed for the TC Electronic Sentry, and they got removed for the REVV G8. Each was noticeably more transparent and accurate then the former.
    Gates do not make a sound, so old is not better because of some rare part. The purpose of a gate is to remove the noise and not to alter the sound of the incoming signal. That happens best if the triggering of the hold, release and threshold has a latency of close to zero. It only happens at a lightning speed and needs up to date high quality chips. Every 3 years we get better digital gear as an older generation chip is now a consumer grade. The pro Military/first responder and NASA grade is replaced with what has reached about a hundred times better than the last. What also really slows it down for guitar tech is they do not pay the salaries. The best software developers can get really big money in other industries.
