Saturday, July 27, 2024

FUZZ- TWILIGHT ZONE ELECTRONICS Super Fuzz + OpAmp Muff... sale ...100% off

Super Fuzz + OpAmp Muff 
$180.00 USD
The two most extreme overkill Fuzz pedals twinned. The company is 22 year old Adrian Amador. He is an Electronics student who took a break from school to start a company in 2022 working his way thru school. I have passed on his pedals before as they are only on Reverb and I have never once seen a single pedal in inventory. I did this time find a used pedal. The layout is volume, Tone and Gain. A balance control blends in cleans for bass guitars or bass heavy tunings. Two toggles take you from Twilight Zone 
to the real world where the maker can 
be asked WTF they do. 
It sounds huge, it looks cool. 
It is on sale at 100% off for 
everyone who cant find one.

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