Sunday, July 28, 2024

OVERDRIVE- THE FRIDAY CLUB Fury 6-Six... need some sparkle?

$200.00 USD
Friday Club  
Fury 6-SIX 
These guys work from the Jack Deville Shop in Portland Oregon. It is where all the Mr. Black Pedals are made. They seem to have the same approach. follow your instinct and come up with something you love and offer it up. This is a high gain OD but when pulled back you get clean boost like sound.
on the whole it appears to be OpAmp hardclipper like The Rat and many classic Boss pedals.
It has a cutting clean and crisp attack all thru it's range.  
The overall tone is as clear as glass yet there is plenty of could really pull a dark amp forward in the mix. ___ 
It is a love it or leave it pedal. Zero wrong with it but most guys are trying to fill niche where they would prefer a take on a specific classic pedal. Like a Tube Screamer or a Blues Breaker etc, etc.

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