Friday, July 19, 2024

OVERDRIVE/Pre/- FOWL SOUNDS Malpais___NEW___ hours old

FOWL sounds 
$190.00 USD

Not hard to tell that we have a basic OpAmp hardclipper 
overdrive, perhaps using Rat topography as a starting place. 
The layout is Volume, Gain, Teble, Mids and Bass. 
These are meant for beyond stupid high gain. They are like steamhammers. They do a big job fast and efficient but comparing one to another from memory is beyond 
possible. It is like choosing my favorite shade of black??? 
That said it is as dense as osmium and all frequencies
bass, mids and highs are the same level. 
A note sounds like one on a cathedral pipe organ. 
You don't have a pedal like that. Or do you???

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