Tuesday, July 23, 2024

FUZZ- SONICAKE Fazy Cream Fuzz... Russian Muff clone ___$24___

$24.00 USD
Sonicake are literally rebranded Mooer pedals. This is sold by Mooer for $90 as their 'Triangle' Buff. Nothing different but the paint job. Often made the same 
day on the same machines along with up to 30 other companies that ordered 
the same pedal in a different color with their brand printed on it. 
This one came out in 2013.
The layout is Gain, Tone and Volume. 
It has a nice Pro low gain Fuzz voice. 
My guess is it uses the Russian Fuzz 
type topography.  
The price represents a Summer Sale 
at Sonicake and includes free shipping. 
___ NICE 😶 


  1. I've got a Donner Stylish Fuzz that is a rebadged Rowin LEF 611 Firecream V02 . It thought it was a Mooer Triangle Buff, but It sounds nearly identical to my EHX Big Muff Ram's head. Isn't the Mooer triangle Buff a clone of the Triangle Big muff ?

  2. None of these Fuzz pedals do more than use the Muff Topography. Even E-H reused the Muff tone stack over and over and over. All I have to go by is putting one video against the other and listen and see if they sound the same or different. One must listen to not just the level of gain, but, are the lows the same, are the lower and upper mids the same same and how high are the highs. It gets harder when the reviewer de-tunes his guitar and never mentions it. On a totally practical level Mooer only makes the Triangle and they once made 3 Fuzz pedals. So when companies order a Fuzz, which one will they get, lol. The bottom line is if the vids show you a good sound you do not have and cheap too then it is worth a shot. All my Fuzz pedals tend to be very aggressive Even strident if I am honest and this one is mellow by comparison.
    I had a perfect Green Russian actually made in St Petersburg Russia near where the original came from but I gave it to my bass player. So I don't have that 'kind' of sound. Are they the same? Improbable ...but either would work in the same tune you used it in. For me pedals are like colors. If I need a pink sound I do not care if it isn't the exact shade as the hot seller. I just care that it is clearly a good shade of pink without any artifacts in the sound like fizzy highs or really muddy lows.

    1. I wonder if this Fazy cream is the same as my Donner Stylish fuzz!

  3. Hi Paul, I just bought one ! It came to just under 35 bucks Canadian dollars with free shipping. WOW!

    1. Does it sound like a ram's head , green Russian or triangle Muff?

  4. It sounds like both. Even if one uses the exact same parts but not the the exact same company/brand a pedal will sound different. Budget pedals will also make compromises to hit a price point. Both the E-H Triangle and The Russian Fuzz are low gain Fuzz pedals. They are meant to have an overdrive sound not a pure total in your face Fuzz sound. The thing is with most Fuzz pedals is that they were mostly designed by trial and error by amateurs that went pro or by techs that fixed things, not designed things. Those that were crap did not sell enough for us to know they even existed. Others got just a single pedal right and just it sold. Then some builders just had an ear that told them what sounded good and became big brand name guys.
