Sunday, July 28, 2024

OVERDRIVE- JHS PEDALS MOONSHINE V2 ... 10 years on & being Dumbled by all sides

$200.00 USD
The Ibanez Screamer started the transparent drive by accident. It was brought out to market the need to add crunch to the millions of small single channel and usually low wattage amps everyone had from a beginner to a garage band or weekend warrior to do the local bars. Some players especially the semi pros found if you simply turn 90% of the gain down you got a near transparent boost pedal. SRV took this idea to the masses of players looking for some sacred transparent sound. 
The Dumble amp got the reputation of an amp that did not need a pedal because it was voiced for the most part to do this without a pedal. Good ol' Josh Scott simply took every way people used their Tube Screamers and gave you control over the parameters it adds and allows you to put in anything it has weaknesses in. He did to the ts what Dumble did to the Fender Bassman. 
The thing is you can get a pricy Dumble-in-a-box but it is voiced so that 
your amp plus guitar plus the Dumble pedal is a fixed situation. If the 
combination does not sound Dumble to you. You are right. With the JHS 
you get a full internal 18v to give you headroom. You can add cleans 
rather then pull back the gain. That means you are not trapped between 
the boost sound or the OD sound. You can have both at the same time. 
The upper mid poke is what made the ts popular but many found 
it to prevalent. You get control of this too. 
The layout is Volume, Tone and gain. Another knob for adding
cleans and a switch to boost or tame that mid poke. 
An analog pedal is just an analog pedal. It is not some digital alogism 
with a thousand breakdowns and build up to make a sound. However 
always has the possibility's of adding characteristics to your sound 
that are intoxicating. It is why a lot of guys get someone's miracle 
replacement for a time but a year later the old ts has been 
mysteriously put back on their board.

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