Wednesday, July 3, 2024

OVERDRIVE- WAY HUGE Green Rhino Mk5 'Smalls' ...10 years on, still going strong

$150.00 USD
This is George Tripps take on a Tube Screamer. The layout tells the story.
The obvious Volume, Tone and Gain are as expected. The magic is with Frq. which is a boost or a cut which is determined by a switch inside the pedal at 100K a bass frequency or the mid center frequency of 500K.
The pedal is set at the bass boost setting at the factory. Both frequencies can can fatten the sound or scoop it. Curve a low pass filter to cut 
or push highs. Useful to brighten a dark amp or keep a bright amp from getting spikey.
The thing about any ts is that it is unlike a tube amp with asymmetrical distortion. A tube amp has a mix of both uneven Fuzz like frequencies mixed with the sweet ones of symmetrical distortion. It loses the rawness in favor of transparency. A ts by nature has a poke at around 1K that some love and others hate. it also has a very weak low end. 
George fixes this with those 2 extra controls.
It is what it is. A ts sheep in a wolfs clothing. What transparency 
that a real ts has is virtually gone. It is not a Boss Blues Driver 
but it does a very similar job by coming thru the back door. 
If however you back the gain nearly off it will give you a 
very full open grainy, but pleasantly grainy sounding 
boost pedal as noted in the second video.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

GATE & EQ- IBANEZ PTGATE Pentatone Gate ||| EQ- IBANEZ PTEQ Pentatone Equalizer

$130.00 USD

$100.00 USD
Basically an EQ is a tone control. Most of us have dealt with Bass, Mids and Treble.
A Graphic EQ simply divides. For example low bass and higher bass, low mids and higher mids, lower treble to icepick, etc. A big graphic rack EQ can be made to divide the frequencies from the lowest to the highest in 31 divisions. In spite of that if you are picky you can get more detail if you have a parametric EQ. For example if you had a 2K and 4K control to boost or cut but you really wanted 3K you get a knob to slide in between and pick any frequency between them.
A gate does not remove noise from pedals it simple turns of your guitar signal when your notes fade to the point you sound can not hide the noise. The reason you have 2 ins and outs is one set is to put your noisy pedals in a loop and the second is for your clean sound. Your clean sound lets the pedal know if your guitars signal is ringing away and the second takes care to listen to your dirt pedals with its much higher level. 
If dirt pedal loop thinks it wants to cut the signal the clean loop either tells it ...NOT YET ...I am still ringing. 
Or it says zip and the dirt loop says OK and does its thing.

Both units are studio quality. Both units are beyond obscenely CHEAP. 
Any other brand with this quality would want TWICE or more.  
Damn!!! they even look cool!!! 

Monday, July 1, 2024


JULY 2024


Seperate those pedals that are a steal from 
  those that are stealing from you at any price!
IF IT WAS WORTH KNOWING IT IS HERE FIRST!!! ___________________________________ 

Another month of F-all releases. 
The world is falling to pieces and the best anyone can do is blame any and everybody but themselves. Everytime someone says "Why doesn't somebody..." Ask yourself why isn't that somebody me??? 
Stateside there is a Presidential election. As if you didn't know!
Out of a population of 333 MILLION people the best we get are two old guys. One is not a leader but a Delegator and the other is a Dictator whose motto is 'nothing left to learn'!!!

Nobody died last month. 
JHS brought out The Hard Drive a 90's style hot rodded Marshall sound. $200.00 USD. $50 less than today's typical price. It means we are all not willing to stop eating or driving to buy a f-ing pedal. Ibanez are only asking $100 for their new Gate pedal. Sweetwater are selling several Gibsons cheap by calling them demo's or used or whatever smoke and mirrors they can come up with to sell a guitar, any guitar.


Appently studio quality. That said I am trusting the reviewer Henning Pauly who could if he reviewed the Sun in our sky would complain it was poorly designed because it doesn't have air conditioning. 
He loves it! Zero criticism, as in none!!!
With several knobs to do detail in fine tuning aspects of gating like Hold, Release and Threshold you gain control but it is impractical live. With one knob this is done for you and for most of us if asked we may find some lint to pick but never enough to ever stop using it. A one knob has another advantage. 
It removes latency so the gate triggers and shuts off noise quickly. 
What makes this a nobrainer is the $100.00 USD price

DEMON FX Z-drive
Robin Ford travels mostly with a guitar and a small board. He has gone back to using the pedal that cloned his Dumble amp. The Hermida Zendrive. Even when he brings his own amp & he now uses a 
very small Little Walter Tube amp and a Zendrive for dirt. The Demon is a clone & it even uses the authentic original parts. ___A nobrainer buy at $30.00 USD for your Dumble sound.


$1500.00 USD
...the body is as thin as an SG It is all mahogany with a rosewood
An SG Std is $1800 this is $300 less for virtually the
same sounding guitar & without SG neck dive