Saturday, June 20, 2020

OVERDRIVE- EX-GEAR Red Fury Distortion ...a need to know Post!

 $160.00 USD
$90.00 USD
The company is all about dirt pedals. The designers set out to nail a specific genre and try to get the voicing nailed so good that they could almost sell you the pedal without knobs. Yes you get knobs fact 5 or them but they all function as things to tighten or open up the sound or to match the pedal to your specific gear. They come in a robust metal custom made box with 5 knobs that light up for easy access on a dark stage. The prices are relatively low for what you get at the moment nothing is more than $90.00 USD. It is rumoured that these are introduction prices but the prices are not meant to get higher than $160.00 USD which still under the $200.00 USD plus of many of the better pedals.
The company has really done their homework by nailing modern tones. Metal is fast becoming as big as Hip Hop and that blows my mind! This company really has the pulse on contemporary sounds. If I now have any doubts it is when something is too good to be true then ....
It could be a low end chip with a modeled voice ? There
are zero specs on their site ? The word 'analog' is never mentioned?

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