Tuesday, May 16, 2023

TREMOLO- AXCESS by GIANNINI TR-107 Tremolo ... Fenderish DeLuxe Trem-mellow

$35.00 USD
@ Only Pedals

A very simple pedal with a sound that makes me think, what's the big deal with the tremolo in a Fender amp or why would I buy a pricey gourmet.
The layout is Rate (speed of the modulation) Depth, how rich and full it gets) and finally Wave. It goes from a triangle waveform which stretches out to create a square waveform. I found a classic Fender like waveform at about 9 O'clock.
Designed by Giannini in Brazil that have been making cool pedals since 1979. One is optimistic. 
I played a simple flat picked pattern making 3 chord changes on my looper and just let it repeat forever while I wrote this review.
It definitely shines on clean guitar work. It is sumptuous, rich & warm but not dark, muddy or cloudy. It is much like a Chorus but less busy sounding. ___ It is a total steal!!! 


  1. I have this one! It's lots of fun. The tr-107 I don't like it's true hard wire bypass so it's not always on my board but sometimes I feel like playing some crazy square waves, beware they're dangerous! If you have a headache then give yourself a break. Once I find the color ugly I've covered mine with black adesive plaster (nice trick by the way, painting sticking plaster with black fast drying ink, you can remove it any time). One more time, this pedal is lots of fun on a dirty cheap pedal. I think Ashland from Crafter is kinda the same pedal by the way.

  2. thx for this review. Mine arrived couple of days ago and I absolutely like it. goes from subtle to extreme with very effective controls. To me it sounds better the Behringer Ultra Tremolo.Totally worth the money.
