Tuesday, August 11, 2020

OVERDRIVE- NORDVANG '83 Drive...a variation on the theme but another KOT wannabe

$325.00 USD
With the success of the King of Tone which is 2 modified BluesBreaker circuits in one box others have tried to emulate the idea by putting in one Bluesbreaker for the mid to higher gain side of the KOT but put another low gain classic beside it ...like the good ol' dependable Tube Screamer. Nordvang went with the Klon.
In short it is a Klon/Bluesbreaker paired in one box. It appeals to the Fusion/Dumble boys market.
It is a growing market consisting mainly of younger players who have either graduated from modern guitar program given by universities and colleges or have always headed in that direction.
Nothing to criticise really. It is what it is.
It is for primarily for a crowd that will deny it ...but see themselves as the elite.
They know the rules of theory and are even ashamed to break them.

The most influential electric guitar players like Chuck Berry, Hendrix, Beck, Page, Clapton right up to EVH and SRV ...had little idea of the rules. They only had one ...If it sounds good it is good! 
These are the kind of players that if they were mechanically inclined in the late 19th century would have invented the automobile. Those that stuck by the rules simply made a better horse drawn buggy.

Dave Friedman of Friedman Amplification nailed it down best for me. He said he gave many of these young guys with their low gain drives put thu a Small Fender on clean ...a chance to play a Stack and all they could get out of it was uncontrollable feedback. They had no idea of leaning into the amp to turn the feedback into controllable sustain or to use the volume on the guitar or worst of all they had zero palm muting skills.
Please do not give me some exceptions because 99% of these players and bands have now moved over to Modelers ...Periphery have set the precedent! No more amps in the studio or live!!!
Also of an important note is an observation by YouTuber Rick Beato who said modern colleges teach theory only show it in the context of traditional Jazz and or classical music. They do not teach students how to adopt it to the skills needed to play on EVH's rig. :-)

A 30 watt tube amp pushed to just below breakup is still clean ...teamed with a Plexi OD and it will feedback quite nicely. In short you need the skills I learnt by playing Stacks in the past to get some 
great tones. So modern rules on safe live playing levels do not stop anyone from playing an electric 
guitar as an electric guitar and not treating it as a solid body acoustic. So does this kind of pedal 
have any merit to a guy like me. Yes indeed! I use one set to a just before it's mild crunch for my 
'clean sound'. My choice is the JHS Morning Glory.

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