Tuesday, August 4, 2020

FUZZ- D-SOUND 73 Ram's Head Fuzz ...more 'Gilmour' than pedals that boast they are!

$145.00 USD
The '73 Big Muff is probably the most popular Fuzz ever made.
In '73 I got one and pushed it into a Marshall 50 watt Plexi for years and years.
In those days a Cry Baby wah and this Fuzz were virtually 'it'. No other pedals. There were very few pedals at that time. Flangers, Phasers and Chorus pedals did not exist in anything but crude attempts at ridiculous prices and tape echos were very expensive although I did have an Echo-Plex ...the tube one!
The big deal at the time was the '73. It was the first and only Fuzz that in many ways had a modern OD vibe.
Early Fuzz pedals had as few as 7 parts on their circuit board
so a modern mini pedal makes a lot of sense! 
So it all gets down to the sound. There are many better Ram's Head Fuzz pedals but they are all of the big bucks gourmet variety and take it far beyond what it was.
There are also many others who go crazy getting a perfect clone of the original. The D-Sound is not really a hot rodded pedal. It is a basic but perhaps not an anal perfect take on the original. So I spent some time comparing and found that the D-sound has a thing in the mids that is it's own. Dave Gilmour always got his most famous tone from the '73 and some major tweaking from the studio's board. I can't help that think by it's sound that they voiced it it to sound like the 'Gilmour' tone coming thru the studio monitors and not the actual '73 as it sounds outside a studio. They do not claim to have done this which is probably wise as no two pedals that have tried sound the same. 
So to the point. I have not heard a Ram's head I like more. If it were the size of the original I would feel the same ...but hell ...a mini is a very nice touch.
You can get them direct from D-Sound in Russia and shipping is free.

Check out Shnobel's video 
...he is having a hard time suppressing his delight with the tone he is getting.

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