Monday, January 13, 2020

FUZZ- ELECTRO-HARMONIX Big Muff (Ram's Head re-issue) thank you god!

$125.00 USD

My first pedal was a Maestro Fuzztone that I bought in '68.
The first Fuzz that was commercially available.
Yes '68! LOL
In those days there was zero interest in Fuzz pedals
by 99% of all players. In fact if anything it was considered the
tool of a guy who was a sh@t player to hide his bad playing, LOL
So stores would not stock them. What few magazines there were
interviewed players but the focus was on the music. In short the
magazines had a nano interest in gear!
But by '73 a E-H Muff showed up at one key store. I tried it and
instantly bought it.
The thing that impressed me is if it was set up right it had the
quality's of passing as an OD before the OD even existed.
It certainly spiced up my Twin Reverb.
So to see it's return is really bonus!!!

It sounds pretty good. BUT the original is fatter, fuller and warmer!!!
I have done 967 reviews! At least half are dirt pedals! If I can't tell ...who can.
In fact I am a very competitive guy I am willing to do a blindfold test on anything 
I boast about!!!
BUT having said that I think the new one is still a decent pedal. Most guys are not counting on a single dirt pedal even if they have a small board so if you like it. Hell the price ...go for it!!!!

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