Saturday, January 4, 2020

FUZZ-ANANASHEAD Main Fuzz...the Fuzz Face to end all Fuzz Face pedals!!! killer!!!

$125.00 USD

It is hard not to like the Fuzz Face. Hendrix used the germanium
to start then he switched to the silicon when it came out.
It was the core of the SolaSound MKI pedal that spawn a dozen variations from many companies.

Ananashead offers you a choice of 3 models. You can have germanium, silicon or even a hybrid of both.

The layout is Fuzz,Volume, Tone, Bias, Pregain and a mode switch
to change the voicing. The Bias allows for anything from
rumbling course sound to smooth OD type sound and things in between.
Other brands fix the bias to one sound then in time fix it at another then change the colour and the name and sell you two pedals. With the 'Main' you get many, many distinct sounds from just one pedal!

Features are nothing if the sound and quality are not happening.
But Ananasheads whole reputation is all about tone. if you buy an Ananashead pedal you will be back again and again.
Trust me!!! I am their biggest fan! lol

The final persuader comes from a tech friend that inspected the build and
the parts. He said ....
"The guy is either crazy or stupid to sell this pedal at such a cheap price!"
Pedro Garcia is neither crazy or stupid. If anything when it comes to pedals
he is geniuses."
As for the price the guy is just naturally modest and generous.

Check the video & note how many completely different sounds you get
out of one pedal Usable sounds too. Not junk!

Ananahead hold the record out of 950 Posts they are number one with 4,787.
That my friends is all word of mouth. In short happy owners telling their friends
not big budget guys.
So I am just one guy. I buy my pedals just like you. I sell at least 30% of them because they let me down. I not only would not sell a Ananashead I rely on them. There are tunes I just would not play without them!!! Period!

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