Friday, May 29, 2020

OVERDRIVE-MI EFFECTS Super Crunch Box V.2 ...a classic moves back to the top

$150.00 USD

In 2006 MI Audio brought out the Crunch Box the OCD came out 2 years earlier and both are still around in one form or another. The OCD is said to be based on the Tube Screamer and the Crunch Box on the Marshall Guv'nor. A lot of  OD's since have been based on the Tube Screamer since and quite a few on the Guv'nor.

But still more have designs that started by modifying the Crunch Box because it took the Guv'nor to a whole new level. The original Crunch had several versions until it morphed into the Super and now the Super has taken it yet another step.
Do not get me wrong all pedals build on what went before them since the Maestro Fuzz tone of '63.
It is just the way it is. There are only 4 basic designs to start from using analog parts. Fuzz, hard clipping, soft clipping, and amp simulation using FETs. There are multiples of variation and small additions that change the outcome but the heart of the design will be one of these. Yes you could make a hybrid but it would in effect be the sum of two or more of these circuits.

The layout is simple but comprehensive. Presence and 3 way EQ and the standard volume and gain. A switch lets you select more clipping. It gives you a low gain sound or switch it to a mid heavy medium gain. A second switch controls compression and saturation.

It always was impressive. 
It still can do its famous Marshall wall of sound thing and a lot more. It was and still is a contender. It can hold it's own with any new contender . Finally many other choices are great but are they twice as good? They should be as they are twice as much and sometimes even more.

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