Thursday, May 28, 2020

EVER WANT TO FORM A 3 PIECE? ...a new Hendrix video only a few days old !!!!

Well I played in a 5 piece all my life and I finally had the guts to do the whole deal.
All original tunes that I wrote and though I do not sing my bass player is a Jazz singer, tenor sax player that switch to bass. Keep in mind that Noel Redding showed up at his audition for Hendrix with his guitar ...not a bass! I think fate was smiling on me. 

First you got to have the guts to throw out tunes you worked hard on but they quite frankly suck. One way to tell is you find you are already not quite happy with them. If you find yourself rationalizing about some other band getting away with less ...then you are making an excuse for hanging onto to a sh@t tune!
Write 5 of the best tunes you can come up with. Then cherry pick the best parts and use them for one tune. That should be your standard!
You can improve everything you do by learning a little theory. For example the Dorian scale.
Do not cringe you might already be using it. BUT once you know what it is you can apply it the very next day. Go back to your finished tunes and change a note here and there and then smugly smile because  in seconds you have quite simply moved yourself into a different league. NO sh@t this works that easily! 

I write, practice, and rehearse every day. I have done this for 2 years. I expect it will take 6 more months minimum before I unleash my efforts at a live gig. I intend to present a no excuse band when I am done. 


1. The word BUT...should not be in your vocabulary.
2. You only have one life! 
3. You only get ONE chance to make a first impression. do it right

If the word BUT has already come into your head  ...then read rule #1
<>^ duck


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