Thursday, July 30, 2020


$130.00 USD
A small builder from New Zealand and another from American ...teamed up to make a truly modern Metal sound that can 'Chug" with the best and has a tight but fat and full sound and a solid percussive attack.
There are a lot of other choices some arguably better but not measurably better ...nor are they as close to being this cheap!
Well ...I always wanted a modern Metal pedal that defined the genre.
I got a few real cheapies but ..I soon tired of them.
I have several beefed up Marshall JCM 800 pedals that I love and a few crushing Fuzz boxes ...but no matter how fat and heavy they are they are NOT a modern Metal sound. So with the price and Mr. Picky 
Ola Englund himself giving it a thumbs up. lol I ordered one! 

I do not play modern Metal per say.
I do use elements of Prog that require extreme distortion but ridiculous 
definition on every note especially as I use elements like tritones and 
fast riffs between chords and a lot of little turnarounds. I also play odd time 
signatures that I have arrange with rests to allow the drummer to stay in 4's
This way my music has interesting twists but the audience can connect 
easier to the classic western rhythm of the drums. This does create polyrhythms 
which can confuse both the drummer and the audience so precise definition is 
a must. 

1 comment:

  1. Where Can I Get One Of These? The Official Site Of TMD Pedals For Some Reason Isn't Opening. It Says "Check If There's A Dictionary Mistake In The Address" Or Something Like That
