Thursday, July 30, 2020

OVERDRIVE- LOUNSBERRY Nigel Touch Overdrive ... It just plain sounds great!!!

$200.00 USD
Handmade point to point and kept simple.Although touted as a Plexi. No I don't think so. It is FET transistor based it is clipped very hard. In most cases gives you a very aggressive in your face sound. In this case you get a really Blues vintage Combo amp kind of a sound.
It has a simple layout of only level and gain.the guy has an ear is voiced beautifully. the gain is useful through it's entire range!
Personality plus! The pedal has it's own vibe and character. I could list a half dozen faults if we were to compare with the very best Plexi pedals. Pull off that name and just call it an OD and it just sounds so damn good that I can not fault it for what it is. It seems pointless to say what it is not!
Checkout the video 
starting at 15:30