Tuesday, July 28, 2020

FUZZ- TL PEDALS Stinger '73 BMP ... the perfect Fuzz ??? It just might be !!!

$150.00 USD
I had an original Ram's Head Big Muff back when you either had that or a Fuzz Face. In those days you bought what the music stores offered. The only way to know there was a choice was to see someone like Hendrix in person and get close enough to actually see what else there was. At the time the Muff was cutting edge because it really had a modern OD quality. A Fuzz before this was very buzzy with little sustain.
I had mine plugged into a 50 watt Plexi head and 'never' turned it off.
If wanted a clean sound I played my Ovation Electric Legend s/n 2 as John Mclaughlin had sn/1. LOL

So what we have here is a classic with a nice modern tweak with a 'instant fat sound' 
mids control and the sustained pushed into 
the stratosphere and a bullet proof build.
First and very important you get a pedal with a build and parts quality the is second to none!
When I say 'none' I am not using this term as an expression ...I mean it literally!!!
The build is simply KILLER!!!
Ok as for sound ...how can you loose. This has been the Muff sound that ever Muff ever made since is compared to!!! You add to that a killer build, a cool look modern mid boost 
and a sustain that far exceeds the original and you have one bullet proof Fuzz.
Hell ...it just may be the 'PERFECT' Fuzz.
Finally the price? You can't buy the parts in this pedal this cheap!!!
If you buy anything else it is either a lot more money or a lot less quality ???
In short...it is no brainer purchase! 

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