Sunday, May 26, 2024

OVERDEIVE- GROBERT EFFECTS Total Screamer... not really, too good, lol

$210.00 USD

This Polish ts is very unique and if made by another maker they would give the pedal a crazy name and not mention it was based on a Tube Screamer. If you take the basic topography of a ts and just change the diodes it can sound like the Boss SD-1. It is what Boss did. 
What we have here a pedal that not only gives you a choice of
the original but adds FET diodes. You can add in cleans and even revoice the whole pedal. Last but not least you get a nice clean boost. 
The Layout is Level, Tone and Gain. Another knob brings in cleans and another revoices the pedal. You have a knob for the Boost and a second footswitch to bring it in.
Finally it has an internal charge pump to boost the voltage from
9 to 18v for much more headroom.
It has very warm organic tone with a definite tube ampvibe. An almost transparent thing.
It has a bit of the Nobels ODR-1 sound but with much tighter lows. A real Tube Screamer falls very short except for being a booster. Basically the Grobert is a very good low to medium gain pedal 
with a lot of definition and very open sounding. Fairly
priced for so many usable features.

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