Saturday, May 11, 2024

BOOSTER- ELECTRO-HARMONIX LPB-3 Linear Power Booster___NEW___old???

electro-harmonix LPB-3 Linear Power Booster
$130.00 USD
Nothing mind boggling. Over the decades the first was the LPD-1. It had just a Volume control. It added a nasty biting but arguably useful bite to your sound. the very first ones were mostly bought by Bass players to cut through the ever increasing volumes guitarists at the time played at. Bass amps simply because one needs 3 times the wattage to match the guitar levels were also 3 times the price, lol. Yes E-H after a few years got smart and made a bass version. The last version was called The Mole but it finally got killed about 3 years ago. I currently work with a Bass Player with one. It is quite effective. 
The layout is Treble, Bass and Mids. The mids are quasi parametric. A switch 
gives you a 20dB or 33 dB boost. The level is Pre-gain so you can not get a tone and then keep the same and move it up or down. Another toggle sets a mid boost across all the mids or just the upper mids to give it a Tube Screamer like poke. 
A charge pump turns a 9v power supply in a much higher voltage to give the pedal headroom to keep the sound open and much less compressed. (a standard 9v adapter is incl.) 
The price and features are reasonable. The power adapter could have been left 
out and it would have brought the price down. They pay tops about $1.00 USD 
for it but they think you will perceive it as a $15 item so they can add $15 more 
to the price. It would be best to try this out at your local E-H dealer. You will love 
it or hate it. It could turn a big bucks sound into trash unless used very selectively. 
If it is used to stack on an OD or Fuzz  that trash could add some attitude. 
A pricey guitar going thru a serious amp may be like racing a 
Ferrari with retread tires.

thefineprint is good to know that EH has the guts of the pedal made in China. The guts and the casing and a bag of knobs and nuts for the jacks come as kit. 
In NY they screw together these parts with unskilled labor. Without breaking any laws they can print Made in the USA. The guts are well made. 
There isn't any problem with the build. You get a great pedal. I just do not like the deceit. I also do not like the prices if they get too greedy. 
If it came to your door from China it would be $30.
So if I see $75 or $85 fine. But otherwise I get a bit pissed.

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