Thursday, May 23, 2024

CHORUS- JHS PEDALS Emperor V.2 Chorus ...ARION Stereo Chorus clone

$175.00 USD
The Arion SCH1 took its bones from the Roland/Boss but was majorly 
re-designed to give it a very excellent leslie Rotary speaker effect. Yes it could do vey excellent conventional Chorus and Vibrato effects. It became Josh Scotts choice for the basis of this pedal. He added the speeding up or slowing down effect of the leslie. He also gave it a tap tempo function.
The layout is  Volume, Speed, EQ and Depth. A toggle switches between Chorus and Vibrato. A second toggle gives you 3 waveforms. A jack at side allows you to use a momentary switch to trigger the the rise or descent effect of the modulation. It uses 3207 chip set so you get that classic tone.  
I can not find any lint to pick. Perhaps adding a sure wave and a triangle wave was bit shoegaze but all the features are usable. It has 'the' sound and the current lower price makes it good value for money.

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