Thursday, May 16, 2024

OVERDRIVE- DRUNK BEAVER Bat Cold War... a RAT clone (please stop yawning)

$175.00 USD
For the last 40 years when a recording says a guy has a ProCo Rat he is talking about the RAT II, not the original that they only made 300 of. Half of those ended up at the dump before the cork sniffers came in, out of dark to say it was better. It isn't better, it sounds almost the same but it has not got the balz of the RAT II. I found out the hard way by ending up with both, LOL. 
If anyone wanted to do a perfect clone of a RAT II they could do it both cheap and easy because all of the critical parts have never changed and are still made. No one does because as little as $35 can often buy you a used one. 
Even a new one is just $72.00 USD.
A Rat is what is in plain tech talk a hardclipper OD. There are many. The BAT Cold War is one of them and a damn good one. BUT if you want a RAT buy a ProCo Rat II.  If you want a hardclipper buy this 
or a dozen others. The word is used like the word Sports Car to sell 
cars without a back seat that are NOT sports cars.  
A Proco RAT II is NOT broken so why try and fix it ??? so do not ask me if some pedal that you tell me is a 
Rat is any good or better because it may be a nice hard clipper but it is like asking me is the Corvette a 
better Ferrari. That said ...if you want a good  wannabe the Mosky King Rat at about $40.00 USD 
sounds Pro and has a choice of 4 variations.