Thursday, May 2, 2024

FUZZ/DIST- SCOVILLE EFFECTS Salem DistoFuzz... not an Army Knife ????

$165.00 USD
This Swiss pedal maker offers 3 pedals at actually cheap prices for Switzerland. They are the luxury goods capital of the world. Even 
if you find some of their goods beyond stupid it will be the best made stupid on the planet, 😎
Most of what is posted as info on the pedal is all about Salem Gundu pepper and suggesting how the pedal got its name. 
I am left to guess that this is by price alone an OpAmp OD/Fuzz.
It started with a RAT or Big Muff OpAmp topography and went from there.
The layout has Gain, Volume, a toggle to chose either 2 or 3 voices and another for more gain. It has 6 pilot lights. One to tell you if the pedal is off or on. The others are  perhaps to convince us
that this makes the pedal sound better,😦or it could all be
baffle-gap that lights up.😠

It is meant for old School Doom and Stoner tones not in itself bad. 
All sounds can be used in many genres. Usually not as often but 
they can definitely create drama, surprise and novelty in a tune.  
Actually it does have a nice variety of bassy sounds. This I feel is 
expected, but the raspy sounds are much welcome extra. It has 
very good sustain which far to many similar pedals have little 
or even zip. The price is reasonable.

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