Saturday, May 18, 2024

OD/DIST/FUZZ- FUZZROCIOUS BIG FELLA ___NEW___ 2 in 1 that are 3 in one?

$180.00 USD

A heavy OpAmp hardclipper. A sort of son of Mr. Rat and Ms. Fuzz. 
It is derived from their Demon OD and Lil Fella both boast to be OD/Dist/Fuzz pedal.
The layout is Volume, Tone, Gain, a second Drive/Gain, Feedback 
which is a BIAS & GATE control. A footswitch for on/Off another 
for gate and 3rd, momentary for overload effects not unlike 
an octave Fuzz. 
A hardclipper Ratish OD with a octave Fuzz circuit thrown in. How can I describe it better than organized chaos. 
Great for a bit of theater in a live show.

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