Saturday, May 25, 2024

CHORUS- TONE CITY Angel Wing Chorus BOSS CE-1 clone

$60.00 USD
The company was founded by one J. Wong who designed pedals for many now well known Chinese manufacturers. He often designed a killer pedal only to be told it would cost 2 or 3 dollars too much to make. In short for that few dollars less we got offered an amateur pedal instead of one with a very Pro sound. So he got so angry one day he told them all to 😠....yes he then started his own company.
Most of his pedals comfortable sit on the bottom rung of the Pro ladder, or in short in context with a band on a recording or live any difference to anyone but the guy plating it would be imperceivable.
This now 9 year old gem is his take on the original ever chorus, the Boss CE-1. 
It was a monster box that plugged into the wall for power. The Boss CE-2 
thankfully followed it in then new now classic stand Boss 9v. type enclosure. 
The 2 has less features and a subtle but equally impressive tone.
The layout is a basic Level, Depth and Rate.
It is very impressive and its sound is only challenged by the $220.00 USD Boss CH-2W and the usual big names, 
bigger bucks of which in a blindfold test making 
a choice it is totally improbable it would be 
in last place if you had to rank them. 
In fact have a listen with the real deal in comparison.

1 comment:

  1. How did you come to the conclusion that it was a take on the CE-1? Did you see the guts? It used a bbd and clock chip? Only ask because there’s a simarly named, If not the same, chorus in the diy scene that uses a pt2399 chip I believe which doesn’t quite have the range quick enough for chorus. It can do chorus but has an almost slapback thing going on.
