The first few years in the 60's the Fuzz went from a novelty and near gimmick effect to a must have pedal thanx to the Brits with a Fuzz fed into a Marshall Stack.
The thing is in this day and age we expect to pay a fair bit of coin for our Smartphones so if we see a Fuzz at $300.00 USD or more we think it pricey but not insane!!!
Now read this carefully .....Those magic antique Fuzz pedals from the 60's usually had between 7 to 10 parts on their circuit board! Yes I know the price and value are two different things. I am the first in line to over pay for any pedal if I love it.
My point is simple it is possible to build a killer Fuzz cheap and therefore possible to sell
a killer Fuzz at a very reasonable price
A Fuzz is all about getting creative with basic square wave distortion.
It is not like a modern Overdrive trying to clone what is happening to make a pedal sound
exactly like a specific amp like a Marshall Plexi or JCM 800 where it may take up to 12 stages
of cascading gain to keep the tone accurate because we want all that extra sustain without up the sound. This needs months of R&D and dozens of parts.
...this pic is f@cking annoying!!! |
The first Fuzz pedals used germanium transistors. By letting the first overdrive the second etc. created their sound. Why germanium transistors? Because it was the only choice readily available and used for all consumer applications. By the 70's along came the new improved Silicon transistors followed near the end of the decade with Op-Amp chips.
Germanium transistors
...sound damn cool but they are notoriously unreliable. They can leak then die. When pushed too hard they send the signal backwards into the incoming signal causing an extreme break up. This breakup creates spitting sputtering and eventually drop outs either sporadically or permanently by causing overheating. Last but not least anything but your guitar put straight into them and the sound either gets destroyed or the whole fuzz takes a F. off pill! If a big effort is made to control this it can be used musically. On the other hand try playing EVH's Eruption with a crude germanium Fuzz just ain't gonna happen!!! LOL
Silicon transistors
...only downside is they do not sound like germanium. Do they sound worse?
Totally subjective???
With a little creative design messing with the BIAS you can add spit and sputter
back into the circuit and do a deceptive fake of a germanium circuit.
A really easy way to tell that the pedal is using silicon transistors is when the pedal does nothing what so ever to pizz you off ...count on it having silicon transistors.
OpAmp chips
...the first use of an OpAmp for dirt was the Pro-Co Rat pedal followed by the Tube Screamer just a few months later. It is now been concluded that these designs are the first Overdrive designs and not Fuzz circuits. The Rat was marketed as a Fuzz since there wasn't any new category to label it with. The King of dirt at the time was the Big Muff but they lost a lot of sales to the Rat so they simply brought out a new Big Muff Version 4 which is now referred to as the OpAmp Big Muff. So it begs the question to be asked "When is a Muff not a Muff but a Rat." :-)
A clone of the classic Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face pedal
used by Hendrix in all it's forms including it's last
model with a BC108 silicon transistor. The original
had 2 knobs . The pedal did squat if you did not
dime the volume so Mosky just eliminated it.
$25.00 USD
Plastic junk? The switch is ...the casing takes a lot of effortto smash up. Yes throw it in box where mic stands are tossed on
top of it at break down after a gig and it might soon go bye bye.
BIG wrong with the circuit board or parts. It is a clone
of a Boss FC-2 Hyper Fuzz which is a Boss take on the
original octave Fuzz a Shin-ei Super Fuzz.
$30.00 USD
A rebranded Joyo Ironman JF320 Purple storm. A brilliant take on using all the every cool Brit Fuzz pedal sounds from the 60's and
melting into one tiny, tiny nano pedal.
An idea which should have totally failed.
BUT!!!! ....WTF they pulled it off.
Definitely killer!
$30.00 USD
Once upon a time long, long ago there was no such thing as Chinese companies making cheap copies of pedals from the West
to be sold right back to the West. ...BIG BUT! With a population in
China in the billions ... billions Get that in your head ..billions!!!
There was a market for a made in China pedal company to sell
to Chinese rock guitarists.
So up popped Moen who did what most new companies did in the
West. Have a peak in the boxes that are out there. Shake your
head and say."We can do better than that!" So they brought out
the Moo out even before the word vegetation was the only
politically correct description of your diet.
The Fuzz Moo is it's own thing. Not strangely different but it's own thing.
It is roughly Big Muffish but only because the Muff was the first silicon
Fuzz ever made. It has a lot more mids with a breadth to the sound.
$40.00 USD
This is a pedal that at one time EH wanted to just forget! It is the critics
favorite of Fuzz pedals to sh@t on!!! Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins
put it on the map. Even that was an accident because he bought it used
thinking all Big Muffs were the same pedal. He did not know version 4
was anything different.
The bottom line it is a killer sounding pedal. If it had NOT called it the
Big Muff I think it would have over time been a MUST have fuzz.
The pedal in the pic is a reissue. But as luck would have it
the differences between it and the original are less than consequential
so even Ol' Billy uses one. Add to that there are several gourmet alternatives
that are expensive and DO NOT sound as good. Stomp Under Foot has re-released their Pumpkin Pi it is at least as good but it's $190.00 USD!
At $80 it is a bit pricey for this roundup but it is unusually such great value for money.
$80.00 USD
All these pedals I own, or have owned and are totally Pro.
How Pro?
My former band Tallis opened for Rush.
Geddy came to our dressing room to praise the band
before Rush went on. These pedals would have cut it for
that gig.