Thursday, September 10, 2020

REVERB/DELAY FLAMMA FS22 Ekoverb ...high end specs for $100!!!!

$130.00 USD
A new company that makes a couple of reverbs a little practice amp and a modest multi effects. But it is this high quality reverb and delay that got my attention.  The specs are better than Strymon and most of what's out there. It has your basic bells and whistles ...tap tempo and a very usable freeze feature! On top of that it looks amazing!
It does not have endless algorithms. It is all about things that are usable at your gig. You get quality not quantity. It is easier to sell a pedal by puting 10 passable sounds in a pedal than 6 superb ones. Once you own one these wonder pedals the novelty wears off or you play in a band you find you need just a few sounds but they need to be killer. This what you get with the Ekoverb.
The price!!!! ...this is the game changer. You get a serious Pro Reverb/Delay with high end sounds at an entry level price.
I have a reverb and delay that are respectable 
but not this good. If I sell them it will pay for this unit. 
W.T.F. the sale is on now ...I just ordered one!!!


  1. Great review Paul. This is what Stomboxsteals is all about. Dirt cheap quality pedals. There is also a single reverb and delay pedal with PRESETS. Now that's the game changer.

  2. Sorry, but this pedal is very cheaply made and quit working within 30 days! Total waste of money. Strange combinations of effects. Yes it did have a couple of sounds. I purchased hoping for a great pedal and for the built-in the freeze function was a joke!
