Tuesday, September 15, 2020

REVERB- EVENTIDE Black Hole ....so new the paints wet!!

$280.00 USD
The  hot seller for ambient reverbs for Eventide has been the Space Reverb ambient style reverb but at a chilling $500.00 USD. So Eventide got smart and brought out the Black Hole which is named off the best sound on the Space Reverb!
I expect the Space Reverb is soon to R.I.P.

Makers like Strymon and Eventide have had to get their act together because they are using 10 year old tech that although it sounds amazing recent releases of new tech chips has made their stuff 2 generations old.
So 10 year old tech is now so cheap that just yesterday I got  a reverb/delay for $100.00 USD that has the same sound quality as good Strymon and Eventides current offerings because it has the same chips :-)

The really interesting thing is ambience digital pedals only need to have 10 year old tech to sound killer. If killer costs $100 then what??? 
OK I imagine some of you are are thinking that 
the high end guys will make super pedals. 
I do not think so 
...because such pedals require spending too much time to
learn and players hate it. They did not spend years learning 
to play guitar to become a computer programmer! I think 
they will kill their pedal division and stick with their software
You do get your moneys worth of bells and whistles. But they are seldom practical to use outside of recording and almost never in a band context. Add a frustrating learning curve to get the best out of the pedal.
On the other hand if you just need a great ...set it and forget it reverb ....with separate controls for the echo to make quick tweaks between tunes at the gig ...then buy the Flamma Ekoverb at $100.00 USD The sonic quality is as good and you don't need a manual :-)

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