Friday, June 28, 2019

OVERDRIVE- EARTH QUAKER DEVICES- Plumes Small Signal Shredder c'mon it's a Tube Screamer

$100.00 USD
This pedal was released 4 hours ago as usual you
see it here first. Maybe you should not have bothered. LOL

Wow just what we all need another Tube Screamer.
Seriously folks if someone can do something
effectively better then the at least 100 plus choices out there I will
give it a listen.
I bought two jacked up Tube Screamers since Xmas.
The latest is the PM Custom FX Gainiac Plus. It functions as
low gain thru to high gain OD. The sustain is just killer.
If you play a Tele then skip reading the rest of my review and buy one. NOW!

OK what's the deal. It has a standard level control. The Tone is set with a boost on the highs, mids and lows. The toggle gives you 3 voices. One is more transparent, another is for more dirt and compression and a third is a clean boost.
I could hear nothing very dramatic happening in any setting.

Dreary, dreary, dreary!
it is just lame. If you must just buy a used Ibanez Tube Screamer any one is better then this!
For the same money you can get the Gainiac Plus ...It blows this thing out of the water!!!

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