Sunday, June 2, 2019

DELAY- MXR Carbon Copy Mini ...great sounding basic delay with modulation a reasonable price

$150.00 USD

The MXR Carbon copy has been around for about 10 years,
MXR are famous for making pedals that are easy to use, sound good
and are reliable. The prices are in the low end of mid range pedals.
 They are often not too exciting but we often just have no time
to deal with subtleties live.

It has the usual Mix, Delay and Repeats but also a bright switch.
Trim pots inside can change the the modulation from the factory preset.

The price and sound are competitive but that is just it ...there is a lot to choose from.

It is a great mini pedal for the money and we all need the real estate. Me I've given up on pedal size. Last year half of everything I loved came in a big box let alone the standard 'b' size Hammond box.
I have to tell you to compare it to the Tiesco Delay. It is the same type of pedal but with extensive control over the modulation. It is also fatter and richer sounding. In fact it was the basic sound that convinced me to buy one. The look of it is killer. Finally the price is exactly the same at $150.00 USD.

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