Friday, June 14, 2019

COMPRESSOR- BONDI 2026 Compressor ...completely transparent ...versatile easy to use!

$250.00 USD
Compressors are tough to communicate. Many claim to be completely transparent none are but this is dead close!
You get zero to infinity for your ratio. At halfway it is the industry standard of about 4:1. Anything past 12:1 tends to kill your tone on any compressor. But 12:1 is about all you can use even on really long wall of sound power chords.
You can switch to automatic so your softer playing isn't compressed or use it in the standard mode where you choose the 'attack' and 'decay'
Some players like the initial hit on the strings to not sound squashed so the sustain kicks in as your pick hits the strings. Release is simply how long the note rings while fading away. Ratio sets up how how long your sustain is. Level is just an output volume control.
The pedal does both hard knee punchy but obvious or soft knee which sounds more natural.

It is really ya gotta hear it moment.

Excellent choice as nothing is missing from it's transparent sound, a choice of hard or soft knee and zero limit to it's sustain.
I have the Seymour Duncan Vice Grip. Soft knee and 20:1. It works great for where I use it and at $180.00 USD I can not complain. BUT ...I really think the Bondi's extra's are worth the extra money.

The best bass compressor since the Empress. Both are the same price.The Empress definitely has a 'sound'  both are excellent.
The Empress does have the edge as so many great bass players have made it 'the bass players' compressor! In short the Empress just sounds great. A lot of studio's use the Empress because the quality is not an issue and it saves time getting a good sound.

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