This area has a lot to choose from.
There are a lot of PU makers.
I find there are 2 routes to take. The better 50's type of Strat PU's have the best Strat 'CHIME.'
If you listen carefully it is created by a chorus effect. The six magnets have enough pull to pull down the string and as it vibrates it rotates over the magnet raising the pitch by just a hair and then changing the pitch once it sweeps away from the magnets pull. The result is you get a modulated pitch change. Chorusing.
Leo Fender new this. In 1964 he designed his last Strat PU. He wanted more output to compete with Gibson's Humbuckers.
The next time the PU's were re-designed in '66 the output was greatly increased and the chime was f.ed!!!
When Hendrix recorded clean sounds he used a '64 or '65. he new too!
So I use both. I have a dead on perfect clone of the '64 by Q. I can not say enough about it.
I need to get a great solo voice and still have the chime.
I also use Fender's reissued '50s PU's.
I even use some Peavey PU's that seem to exaggerate the chime.
They are a little nasty but I love them anyway. LOL
Well it is no brainer to point at Fender amps. I find without a great dirt pedal they still can not get a great OD sound.
SRV loved both a cranked Fender black face
Super Reverb or a Marshall Super Lead 100 Plexi.
This is the most authentic sounding Marshall Super Lead 100 Plexi pedal you can buy!
Read the Post and compare the pedal to the amp with the vids on it.
The secret seems to be obvious yet it has been ignored for years.
The great clean sound that Hendrix gets especially
on his early records was from the amplifier section of a Marshall Super Lead 100 Plexi.
Sag from the under powered Amp transformers gave the sound a huge compressed mid sound. The amp without a dirt pedal remained clean but had lots of sustain.
The Heartbreaker has in effect 2 gain knobs.
The Pre Amp does the standard gain thing .
BUT ...the master has a separate gain stage that is voiced to imitate power amp/transformer distortion.
In short you turn the Preamp down and boost the Master and you get that clean sound that Hendrix got.
Yes a compressor. BUT one that creates a realistic tube power amp kind of compression.
It simply has not a trace of pumping or odd coloration.
If you were to here this pedal thru an off the shelf Fender Deluxe amp played clean and I told you you were just hearing a Dumble $10,000 USD amp you would believe it!!!!
I have one and it is just a total killer pedal!!!
It is a 'MUST HAVE'
I do not even think of it as a compressor. I still have 6 of those that I sometimes stack with this because they all sound like compressors and I like there brutish sound. lol
I have my eye on the new Origin Cali76 Stacked Edition.
and at $380.00 USD it ain't cheap's a hundred more then the Thorpy!
It is not a replacement for the Thorpy.
By aiming at a Fender black faced Super, Vibrolux or Deluxe to name a few. They definitely can nail that just before crunch sound but the actual crunch though very good is not accurate.
Check out the complete review.

The before breakup sound is very, very good as well.
The crunch sounds more like a ProCo Rat. To be fair the pedal is 10 years old and was aimed at guys who wanted the Rat like tear your face off tone. They got it big time. The company pushes the clean sound in a more current video too but it is just dumb luck that it works so well. Teamed with the Fat General and the Heartbreaker and it is STRAT HEAVEN!!!
But ya can still kick it up for some overkill too! lol