Monday, October 24, 2022

COMPRESSOR- ____A Second Look ___ORIGIN Cali 76 Stacked Ed ... is it worth the $$$


The Origin compressors have been the gold standard of compressors. This is there two in a box version derived from in the days of the UREI 1176LN the rack mount original all ORIGIN compressor pedals are derived from, was used at times with one stacked on a second.
This unit allows for long even sustain without the ratio's that using a limiter can give you without sounding excessively squashed.
$380.00 USD

Much is said about compression not being an effect but a tool. A high tech air gun style hammer may be state of the art but your great grandfathers hard wood handle old claw hammer is more then often the hammer you grab.
Many very inexpensive compressors often are all you need. They can sometimes highly color and change the overall tone but if they sound pleasing then WTF!!!
Take the example of one of my favorite compressors.The Pigtronix Philosopher Tone. It has been around for decades in various versions and is an optic compressor pretty much the oldest method of compressing back when comps used tubes. It also has a germanium 
flavored pre for the output. It has a distinct warmth and is noticeably low tech. The same 
vibe of a very low gain Fuzz without the hair. I have had 3 pricey well respected 
compressors sit beside it, and each time I slowly found I was only using the P. Tone.

$120.00 USD


  1. Hi, I really enjoyed watching the videos of the Carl Martin Honey Comp. Have you tried it?

  2. No but it is killer. Andy Timmons has every Carl Martin Comp since the one that worked from wall current with a big applicable cable attached to it that came out about 15 years ago. He is using the last model because it wired to his board so it his back up until he needs a new board made up. I use 4 compressors so I might get one myself as it has bit of a fat tone I really like. There are a lot of Origin wannabees that are both as good but cheaper. I have reviewed them all. Comps are in many ways like boosters if you stack them on a dirt pedal and one may add to one dirt pedal and not work with another Most work fine with a clean sound.

  3. The trade dress infringers at DemonFX also make a Cali76 knockoff, which is $57 USD. Probably well worth checking out, as all their Darkglass ripoffs are fantastic.

  4. Could be interesting ! Anybody has tried the DemonFX AT-DS (JHS Andy Timmons + clone )?
