Sunday, November 15, 2020

OVERDRIVE - DOLAMO D8 Overdrive ...low gain that sounds good! $20


$20.00 USD

Dolamo sell it Stateside as a Tube Screamer and it is not! They also sell a green OD that they just call the Classic ...and it is.
They sell them on Amazon, Walmart and Best Buy. The box is as wide as a standard Hammond B ...but it is a third shorter. The only brand name that uses them is Pigtone but it is not made by them.
Caline sell product to Dolmano but not anything like these.
Having said that rumour says the circuit board has a Caline
I did some serious research this is a clone of the 
Xotic RC Booster  :-)

Most companies big or small cheap or expensive have one pedal
where they nailed it. For Dolamo this is 'it'. I quite like it. It is my
kind of low gain it has a nice medium grit. 

Start the video at 3:50

Having had one for awhile I find with the lows cut back to 10 o'clock 
the treble 12 o'clock or higher and the gain at 2 o'clock or higher is 
the perfect place to start. 
From near low gain to high gain and between the two are a lot of 
great sounds. You may need to nudge the highs between 12 & 2 
to brighten or darken your tone.


  1. The board says right on it Caline CP-25, which is the Caline English Man, the Caline RC Booster clone

    1. Did you mean Highway man rather than English man?

  2. All Dolamo and Pigtone pedals are just rebranded Caline pedals. Also, all the new Movall pedals are rebranded Azor pedals, which is Caline's mini line

  3. This circuit is not an AC Boost it's a Timmy! I circuit traced it
