Saturday, April 1, 2023


I will simply explain the difference. On a modeler strum one chord endlessly and you will get exactly the same sound.
On a real tube amp you would have to strum this chord 1.2 million times before you got the same sound again.
In my book it makes my Plexi a million times better.😇
Is a modeler valid? Yes, but it is literally a Synthesizer just like a keyboard Synthesizer. It is comparable to a modern electric piano and a real piano.
One last thing. A guitar has dynamics and the player has technique which may confuse you in thinking I have it wrong in my explanation.
But can simply use a Walmart toy organ to do this experiment where each note played has a fixed sound with zero dynamics so the sound arriving to either the amp or modeler is always the same.
In the case of the real amp every time you strike the 
keyboard it will give you a different sound.

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