Monday, September 30, 2024

_____TUBE AMP in a BOX ____ an understated game changer?

 Some of us will never give up our Plexi amps 
 for modeler. Maybe we do not have to???

As a guy with years using a few Plexi amps if you want the closet to the real deal the Friedman IR-D smokes the others. 
The others do sound very impressive but they are simply not versatile and will not cover dozens of genres well. 
The Friedman IR-D merely needs the right pedal/or pedals to do what the others do. One thing I have found 
is my tastes and my skill set changes over the years. So, changing out a pedal or two is no big deal but 
changing an amps is. These Pre amps are in effect your amp. So give it some serious thought before 
you jump on any modern hot rod Pre's. They unlike the classic Plexi have a short shelf life. 
Only the Plexi comes without a 'Best Before' warning.

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