Tuesday, September 17, 2024

FUZZ- SKEDDY PEDALS Lunar Module ...13 years later, still Floyding

$230.00 USD
Marc Ahifs 'is' Skeddy and has been around since 2009 building pedals. Many are dead on clones of a specific original pedal and not just to the year but the parts they used on a specific month. 
Skeddy use a lot of NOS parts but even if the parts were rare there was never any artificial high price added to the pedals like a couple of 
hundred extra etc. They were never budget but you got 
100% value for your money and a pedal to keep forever.
The Lunar is Muff one of many made by Skeddy. It is based off of the Rams Head with extras from Floyd's 1973 'D.S. of the Moon'. 
The Fuzz on that often had a Colorsound Power Boost stacked on it. 
The Lunar has not ignored that. The layout is Volume, Fuzz/gain, 
Body (bass boost), Brite (boost), Range (front end OD Boost).
This is a bulletproof choice if you want to cover not just the era but have a Fuzz for all occasions. It is not a niche pedal that just 
covers a very specific genre or subgenre. It is also not a budget  
pedal where that budget pedal can sound even as good but  
usually only on one dialed in sound that may be killer on 
some tunes but not others. I have a mix of them all.


  1. The Skreddy pedals are superb.

    But I think you'll find the Lunar Module is based on a silicon Fuzz Face.

    It certainly sounds, feels and respongs like the several Fuzz Face type pedals I've owned (and the best) and not at all like any of the Muff type pedals I've owned.

  2. At the input of your guitar is a Colorsound Power Boost which is very dynamic and pushes the mids as well. If it was only a Muff the dynamics would nearly nil and the sound would be scooped. If you pull the Range back all the way it would sound very Muff like.
