Tuesday, September 17, 2024

FUZZ- SKEDDY PEDALS Lunar Module ...13 years later, still Floyding

$230.00 USD
Marc Ahifs 'is' Skeddy and has been around since 2009 building pedals. Many are dead on clones of a specific original pedal and not just to the year but the parts they used on a specific month. 
Skeddy use a lot of NOS parts but even if the parts were rare there was never any artificial high price added to the pedals like a couple of 
hundred extra etc. They were never budget but you got 
100% value for your money and a pedal to keep forever.
The Lunar is Muff one of many made by Skeddy. It is based off of the Rams Head with extras from Floyd's 1973 'D.S. of the Moon'. 
The Fuzz on that often had a Colorsound Power Boost stacked on it. 
The Lunar has not ignored that. The layout is Volume, Fuzz/gain, 
Body (bass boost), Brite (boost), Range (front end OD Boost).
This is a bulletproof choice if you want to cover not just the era but have a Fuzz for all occasions. It is not a niche pedal that just 
covers a very specific genre or subgenre. It is also not a budget  
pedal where that budget pedal can sound even as good but  
usually only on one dialed in sound that may be killer on 
some tunes but not others. I have a mix of them all.

FUZZ- BEETRONICS Tuna Fuzz ... very good with mustard

$100.00 USD
When the company started out they used real Tuna tins to prototype their 
first Fuzz and as they moved on the Tuna Fuzz became a click bait item that brought people in to check out their line of Fuzz pedals. They do not say but it is likely based on a Maestro Fuzz Tone. The new one is built into a tin can with a plastic cap for a baseplate. The layout consists of nothing but a volume control.
It sounds surprisingly good with 
a bit of a Tonebender v.1 vibe.

..it reminds me of my French made pedal. the CELMO Pimento Sardine Overdrive.  
check out my Post ...just go to the top left hand corner of this page and type
in 3 plus signs.

Monday, September 16, 2024

FUZZ- EARTHQUACKER DEVICES Dirt Transmitter Legacy Reissue ___NEW___ & old too

Earthquaker Devices 
Dirt Transmitter Fuzzdriver
$150.00 USD
A simple good ol' classic Fuzz. Very Muff like except for the BIAS control that adds a bit of velcro and gating. Apparently a Ltd Ed as there will only be a thousand made. It does use some good 
old fashioned NOS silicon transistors. The layout has no surprises. It has Volume, Tone, Gain and BIAS control. 
          CONCLUSION ___
Well for a start it looks cool. It sounds good for an 
old school Fuzz. It certainly is not a modern high 
gain Metal Fuzz or a Fuzzy drive OD/Fuzz. 
The original was in a more pedalboard friendly
standard 'B' size pedal. For a handmade it is
reasonable priced. Earthquaker pedals are
collectable and old or Ltd Ed ones get 
good resale prices.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

GUITAR FINISH- Artwork for your guitar

DALI    FOR   YOUR   TELE   ? 

Kramer are big on putting artwork on their guitars. 
Apparently it can be a DIY.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

PREAMP- BENSON Germanium Preamp ___NEW___ the pixie dust makes the difference

$260.00 USD
Benson makes mostly pricy product that are the darling of the 'Cork Sniffers' and bought primarily by the 'schooled' players who for the most part see themselves like the Symphony orchestra players for hire that can and will play anything with the skill and accuracy of a machine even if void of any soul.  A performing artist ...not the creative artist. In some ways odd as the company has been lead more by art than engineering though they are not just
 the usually DIY that turned their hobby into a business. 
Their first Preamp was a FET model designed to give you a noticeably better clean sound. Many players that play nothing but clean kept it going the last 6 years. The Germanium is all about adding that warm organic magic those transistors add. 
The layout is simple. Treble, Bass, Volume and Gain.
       CONCLUSION ___
In spite of the cliches of warmth and organic you can with some care in the biasing 
of a germanium circuit to give the sound some cutting and biting overtones that 
are very bright but never shrill or abrasive. Think of the best clean sounds Hendrix 
got which he did by backing off his guitar volume but still leaving his germanium 
Fuzz Face pedal on. The difference this pedal does it on command and lets 
you tweak it to perfection.

Friday, September 13, 2024


$220.00 USD
Same ol' but a shade of grey different than the other guys. 
The layout is Volume, Tone and Boost. The Dissolve appears to me to be a high pass filter. In short it cuts the lows off and tightens up the sound. If left off you get a bigger open sound. The Boost has clipping diodes that in effect makes it more or less and second OD. The OD itself is loosely based on a Fulltone OCD which even it started life with a Tube Screamer topography.
You love or hate it. It is indeed fat and full 
and you can tweak good noises from it. 
I find it has a Fuzzy Overdrive sound to its overall vibe. In other words it covers 
ground that would likely sound as good 
or better with a budget 'deluxe' Rat pedal which often has extra diodes you can 
switch on for the occasion,😶.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

OVERDRIVE- T-REX Mudhoney ... over 20 years old , still made, still cool!!!

$150.00 USD
The company started in Denmark in 1996. Their first product was a MIDI switcher which sold well so they decided to expand by making an Overdrive. It was loosely based on a Rat topography but it was majorly altered to give it more range and more gain and mid 
boost was added.  
The layout is Volume, Gain and Tone with a toggle 
to switch on the boost. 
It has a very extended range so you can not only go from very low gain sounds to very high gain sounds but there is a lot room to tweak in each. You can indeed get at least to very different sounds that normally you only get from two pedals. 
It really has its own distinct voice and character. 

OVERDRIVE-MYTHOS PEDALS Envy Pro OD ___NEW___ Tube Screamer + Boss SD-1

$180.00 USD
This is a Classic Ibanez Tube Screamer and the BOSS version, the BOSS SD-1. If Mythos has some magic it is that you never have the organic vibe ripped out of a Mythos pedal. They sound how you imagined the original must. In short ones myth of the pedal 
is left intact.
A ts is like a hammer. Even 
if it is the least exciting tool 
in your tool box you simply 
will always need one.

DELAY- ALABs Timeslip Delay___ NEW ___ high end specs

$100.00 USD
 ALABS Time Delay

A small company in Singapore who is all about making digital pedals with seriously good pro effects for those on a budget, no not 9 out of 10 but dirt cheap but 10 out of 10 without sonic compromise. 
The layout is Time,Repeat, mix, and modulation. A toggle switches between 1/4 notes and 3/8 and a tap function can be had with the foot switch. A rotary switch lets you choose between 9 voices. 
Impressive plus. A lot going on and more than more than enough for anyone using it in a band doing good ol' tunes for the crowd who are not there for a movie soundtrack


$220.00 USD
A Limited Ed though apparently not sold out. It is there take on the classic Super Fuzz, the quintessential octave Fuzz. 
The layout is Volume, Gain and Tone with a Mid Boost and control. A small knob dials in the amount of internal feedback the creates the unruly octave screeches. 
It captures the heavy vibe of the original and gives you better control over the octave effect. It simply sounds damn good. Not cheap but not obscene either. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

FUZZ/OD- HAGGTRONIX Mothman Dual Drive ...the price isn't very scary?

$120.00 USD
A small company in Nashville that makes many pedals but primarily dirt pedals for the Doom and Stoner Players. 
The layout is simple as both the OD and Fuzz circuits 
are fixed and you have a level for each.  
How does one critique this pedal? 
It is what it is, just fat and nasty. 
Though I must admit it has good 
definition and note separation. 
In short you can play a bit busy 
and/or at faster tempos than a 
chain dragging Doom grove.

Monday, September 9, 2024


$155.00 USD
Handmade by Pedro Garcia in Barcelona spain. He has been at it since 1998. 
A guy who totally anal in getting not only a dead on clone of a pedal but really cares that you love it. Needless to say you get the best parts and seriously good build. This is a take on the infamous MATAMP GT120 amp that was one of the first amps aimed directly at the Stoner and Doom players.
The layout is Treble, Bass, Presence, Volume and Boost with a Master Volume usually missed on others efforts. 
                        CONCLUSION ___
What really impresses me as just like the real amp you can pull 
back the Gain and get usable sounds ay a lower Gain just like the 
actual amp. It makes the pedal 100% usable for many genres and 
styles require a lot of articulation and definition. It is not just a one trick pony. Add to that you get a lot of pedal for your $. 

"Check out the real Amp"