Wednesday, April 17, 2024

COMPRESSOR- MOVAL Pandora Compressor ...good Diamond CP-1 clone & CHEAP!!!

$22.00 USD
AliExpess/free shipping
MOVAL Pandora Comp 
It is an optic compressor. It uses light to control the opening and closing of its signal. Unlike the famous MXR Dyna Comp it triggers fast and very smoothly. 
The only downside is they tend to kill some highs so traditionally they have 
always included an EQ to put them back. Diamond created an ingenious 
use of using LED light to do the job. Before Diamond Optic Comps were notoriously expensive and unreliable. 
The layout is Level, Comp amount and that important EQ. It uses 
the classic studio Mamma Bear ratio of 4 to 1.
Ideal for those that do not like a comp but want the benefits. 
Dead easy to use and with a very gentle smooth operation.  
A must have for flatpickers.
I have always had a Pigtonix Philosopher's Tone mini Comp. 
I like how Optic comp has a warm tone. 
It however is $100 more, lol.


  1. Is it a clone of the Mooer Yellow comp?

    1. It is not a Mooer. The jacks are mounted wrong and the 9v adapter jack is on the side when the Mooer is on the top.

  2. What about the Rowin LEF-333?

    1. The Rowin looks like the pedals Joyo makes as clones of their Ironman series. It does not sound like an Optic and even a guy that bought one asked the reviewer to check because he thought it is a basic DynaComp.

  3. Which one Is the best optical tremolo?

  4. I had a Mooer for years. I do not remember it sounding as fat as the Moval. The Mooer is about $50.00 USD. Unless you move up to the $100 Pigtronix I would get the Moval.

  5. As for a mini Tremolo the best I heard is the Movall Phoenix Wings. It however is a VCA but then so is a Fender amp Trem.
    It has really good depth and a crystal clear sound. It does not have a volume control so you can not use it pushed back in the mix. I do not know of anything either mini or cheap that does. It is about $25.00 USD including the shipping in that price.
